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Harmonize the skin you're in with the ancient-made-new Ayuverdic technique of rhthmic Castor oil Dry Brushing. 

  • Circulation.
  • Lymphatic flow.
  • Stimulation


Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Lymphatic Dry Brush. This will help to stimulate lymphatic flow and assist in the reduction of cellulite, stretch marks and spider veins. 


How to Use:

STEP 1: Before the shower, start at your feet dry brushing upward along your legs in long smooth strokes. Repeat.

STEP 2: Dry brush upward toward the heart/centre of your body where the lymph system drains. 
STEP 3: Repeat steps on arms.
STEP 4: On your stomach and armpit areas, dry brush in a circular clockwise motion. 
*Apply the amount of pressure that feels just right for you - not too soft, not too hard.
Materials: cactus bristles, natural wood

Care: Wash in warm water. Let dry with bristles facing downwards.


Queen of the Thrones® Dry Brush | Circular brush with hand strap and bamboo bristles  

Queen Of Thrones Lymphatic Stimulation Dry Brush

SKU: 364115376135191
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